NameCharles BOONE
Birth1710, Prince George's Co., MD
Death1783, Prince George's Co., MD
Misc. Notes
Signed oath of allegiance in 1778, Prince George Co.
Charles County Deed Book S#3; Page 463.
Aug 28, 1773 from Charles Boone of Prince Georges County, planter, and Mary, his wife, to John Rogers of the same County, for 5 shillings, all that parcel of land, being part of Boarmans Manor, lying in CC on the east side of Zachiah Swamp, containing about 180 acres. Signed - Charles Boone, Mary Boone. Wit - David Craufurd (Crufurd), Alexr Symmer (Prince Georges County JP's). This deed was acknowledged in Prince Georges County. Sd Mary Boone relinquished her right of dower. Certified by Thos Sim Lee, Clk of Prince Georges County. Recorded Sep 29, 1773.
Charles County Deed Book S#3; Page 465.
Aug 30, 1773 from John Rogers of Prince Georges County, to Charles Boone of the same County, for 5 shillings, all that parcel of land, being part of Boarmans Manor, lying in CC on the east side of Zachiah Swamp, containing about 180 acres. Signed - J. Rogers. Wit - David Craufurd (crufurd), Alexr Symmer (Prince Georges County JPs). This deed was acknowledged in Prince Georges County. Certified by Thos Sim Lee, Clk of Prince Georges County. Recorded Sep 29, 1773.
Charles County Land Records 1775-1782; Liber V#3; Page 441. Nov 20, 1779 from Charles Boone of Prince Georges County, to James Boone of CC, for 250 £, a parcel of land on the east side of Zakiah Swamp, and being part of Boarmans Manor, and bounded by a tract of land granted by Mr. Richard Edelen decd to Mary, the wife of the afd Charles Boone, then to a boundary of Francis Wheatly, a boundary of Mr. Joshua Sanders, containing about 110 acres. Signed - Charles Boone. Wit - Robt Young, Joshua Sanders (CC JPs). Recorded Mar 14, 1780.
WIll of Charles Boone “being weak in body” bequeaths to:
1) John Boone, son to have 1000 lbs of crop tobacco.
2) To Walter Boone, son to have Negro man named “Jerry” -to have all the debt owed from John Blandford now living in Frederick County -to have 108 schillings Congress money now laying in the Boones hands -to have one bed and pair of sheets, 4 head of sheep.
3) To Henry Boone, so to have all that tract of and which testator purchased from John Blandford, Jr., -to have 1 dark bay horse that he now rides, 1 bed and furniture, 4 head of sheep -to have Negro woman “Little Jean” -to have the sum of 52 pounds sterlingnow laying in the hands of John Harrison and Edward Butler - named executor along with Henrietta Boone.
4) To Charles Boone, son to have all the remainder of the testator’s land and for Charles to let is four sisters have the liberty of living in the same house as the testator now dwells and land sufficient for the Negroes to work.
5) To Henrietta Boone, daughter -Anne Boone, daughter -Sarah Boone, daughter -Eleanor Boone, daughter -to have the liberty of living in the testator’s dwelling house during the time they remain unmarried -remainder of the estate to be divided among them and the Testator’s son Charles.
6) Catherine Green, daughter -to have 1 shilling.
Witnesses: Thomas Boone, Frances Boone, Joseph Clark
Will signed by ChArles Boone in his own hand.