NameWilliam Hillary RAPIER

BirthDec 3, 1879, New Orleans, LA
DeathJan 2, 1958
EducationJefferson College, Convent, LA
Misc. Notes
His mother died shortly after his birth. During his early school years he lived with the Surgi family.
Spanish American war veteran. Later in life he was named Commishioner or the Veterans of the Spanish American War.
Played the tuba. He was music lover, could play any instument, and had a beautiful bass voice. He sang with the Holy Name of Jesus Choir for 15-20 years, as well as in other groups.
Once, he was admiring an expensive guitar at the Philip Werliens Music Store. Mr. Werlien bet him that if he could play three certain songs on the guitar withing 2 or 3 weeks he could have the guitar. He dis, and the guitar is still a prized family possession.
BirthMar 8, 1880, ND
DeathAug 19, 1962, New Orleans, LA