NameThomas Gwynn RAPIER II

BirthAug 19, 1847, New Orleans, LA
DeathSep 27, 1928, New Orleans, LA
OccupationManager of the New Orleans Times-Picayune
Misc. Notes
REGINA RAPIER writes, "THOMAS GWYNN RAPIER was much respected from the time of his youth when, at age 16, he slipped out of the Federally occupied city of New Orleans and walked through the swamps and back country to Alabama, made his way to Richmond, and was appointed as a cadet and aide attached to Jefferson Davis' headquarters. He was part of the escort which brought the fleeing president and Confederate "treasure" south to Georgia. After the war he worked his way up to become Manager of the New Orleans Times-Picayune, and became one of the first Board of Directors of the Associated Press."
In the 1900 census of New Orleans, THOMAS GWYNN RAPIER had living in his household Mary Quirk, age 43, his godchild.
The following is taken from the New Orleans Times-Picayune, dated Friday, September 28, 1928. "THOMAS RAPIER closes notable life of service." "Helped Build Modem City." are the headlines. The article in part reads, "THOMAS G. RAPIER, journalist and a leader in New Orleans' business, civic and religious life for more than fifty years, died shortly after noon Thursday. Death came after a long illness at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Sinclair. He was 81 years old.
MR. RAPIER spent much of his life in the interest of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. By a strange coincidence his death came on the feast day of that saint. MR. RAPIER was president of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a knight of the papal order of St. Gregory, founder of the New Orleans homesteads, former president and manager of the Picayune, and an honorary member of Hayden Y. Grubb Camp No.3, United Spanish American War Veterans.
MR. RAPIER, prominent for half a century in business and civic life, did much to make New Orleans a contended and prosperous city.
In the Archives of the Archdiocese of Baltimore (92-K-16) is found the telegram which THOMAS G. RAPIER sent to Cardinal James Gibbons on the occasion of his silver jubilee of episcopal consecration and dated, 10/18/1893, "The best wishes of the RAPIERS are with you on this happy occasion. May you be spared to church and country in the fullness of your powers to celebrate your Golden Jubilee."
BirthJan 2, 1847
DeathJul 20, 1880