NameElizabeth (Betty) Jane BOONE

BirthMay 25, 1949, Howardstown, Nelson Co., KY
DeathJan 19, 1968, Nelson Co., KY
Burial1968, St. Ann’s Cemetery, Howardstown, Nelson Co., KY
OccupationBlue Cross-Blue Shield
EducationSt. Catherine HS
Misc. Notes
The Kentucky Standard, Thursday, 1/25/1968.
The anticipated happiness of a wedding fell victim to tragedy last Friday, January 19, when an 18 year old Howardstown girl lost her life in an automobile accident in which her brother, the prospective bridegroom, was injured. Fatal victim of a two-car collison on KY 84 near the Nelson-Marion County line near Howardstown was Miss Elizabeth Jane Boone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeLime Boone, of Howardstown. Driver of the car was her brother, Marine Sgt. Kenneth R. Boone, 21, of Cherry Point, N. C., who sustained minor injuries and was dismissed from Mary Immaculate Hospital, Lebanon, the morning after the accident. Miss Boone sustained a crushed chest and head injuries. She was to have been a bridesmaid in Kenneth's wedding the next day. Driver of the other car, Staff Sgt. Charles Elbert Thomas, 37, of near Loretto, sustained a fractured leg, fracture of several ribs, a deep laceration across his forehead. He was admitted to the Lebanon hospital and on Monday was moved to Fort Knox hospital. Sgt. Thomas had returned from Vietnam the past September and was planning to move his family to Fort McClellan, Ala., where he is now stationed, on Monday of this week. The accident happened about 5:30 p.m. as Miss Boone and her brother were returning from Lebanon to their home at Howardstown to change clothing for the wedding rehearsal and dinner that evening at Lebanon. They had taken Kenneth's fiancee, Miss Betty Jo Bland, to her home at Lebanon and were on the way back. Kenneth escaped with a cut over the right eye and a leg injury. Miss Boone had looked forward to participating in her brother's wedding, said her mother. She had come from Louisville, where she was employed, about three o'clock Friday afternoon, her first visit home since Christmas. Betty Jane, a 1967 graduate of St. Catherine High School, New Haven, had been employed for four months at the offices of Blue Cross-Blue Shield in Louisville. She and a relative, Miss Lucille Swift, lived together on Norris Place there. Daughter of DeLime and Mary Alberta Boone, Miss Boone is also survived by three brothers, two of them U. S. Marines, Sgt. Kenneth Boone, and Sgt. Michael Boone, stationed in Japan, who arrived from Okinawa in time for the funeral, and Tommy Lee Boone, at home; three sisters, Martha Elaine, Margaret Ann, and Phyllis Boone at home. She was born May 25, 1959 (s/b 1949) at Howardstown. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning, January 23, at ten o'clock at St. Ann's Church, Howardstown, with the Rev. Lawrence Boone, of Valley Station, the deceased's uncle, celebrant of the solemn Requiem Mass, in which the Rev. James K. Hamilton, of Lebanon, and Rev. Kenny Williams, of New Haven, participated. Also in the sanctuary for the Mass were two former pastors of St. Ann's, Rev. Barth J. Beruatto, of Buechel, and Rev. Leo Sheeran, of Louisville. Pallbearers were Eddie and Danny Boone, and Bobby Baker, of Louisville; Carroll and Nolan Boone and Donnie Cecil, New Haven. Thirty-two women fellow employees and two executives of Blue Cross-Blue Shield came from Louisville for the funeral, which was one of the largest ever held at Howardstown. The Bland-Boone wedding has been re-scheduled for the coming Saturday, January 27, at 9:30 o'clock in St. Augustine Church, Lebanon, where it was to have taken place last Saturday.
(abstracted by Dolores Bohn)