NameHenry Bayne MOORE

BirthDec 11, 1826, Mooresville, Washington Co, KY
DeathApr 25, 1896, Mooresville, Washington Co, KY
Burial1896, Pile Cemetery #2, Washington Co., KY
Misc. Notes
Henry B. Moore was born in th Mooresville community of Washington County, KY December 11, 1826 to John R. & Martha (Bayne) Moore. His grandfather, Jesse Moore, came to KY from Virginia when John R. Moore was an infant. Henry B.'s father John R., was a soldier in the War of 1812, a state representative from Washington County in 1845, and a magistrate for that county. The siblings of Henry B. Moore were: Jetson, W. H., Walter B., Jesse, Milton, James F, Susan (Moore) Hill, and J. R. Moore.
He married first to Jane Mariah Pile, 1835-1887, daughter of Benjman, Jr. and Rhoda (Weathers) Pile, on June 30, 1852 at her home by Revs. Josiah Godbay and J. W. Fields. The witnesses were: James F. Pile and Cyrus Hays. See Washington County Kentucky Marriage Book #5, page 52.
From THE WASHINGTON COUNTY LEADER, Vol. I, No. 48, page 1, Thurs., March 6, 1890. MARRIAGES. On February 20, 1890, at the home of the bride in Louisville, KY. Mr. H. B. Moore, of Mooresville, in this county, and Mrs. E. B. Hunter, formerly of Shelby county, Rev. Weaver of the Methodist Church officiating. Mr. Moore is well and faqvorably known to all our people and is looked upon as one of our best citizens. The LEADER extends hearty congratulations and a wish for a long life of much happiness and prosperity.
Henry B. Moore's 1896 obituary appeared in a Springfield newspaper as follows: MOORESVILLE--From Our Regal Correpondent--Died--At his home at this place April 29th.,Henry B. Moore, in the 69th year of his age. Deceased had been a life time resident of the county, and one of its most influntial citizens, much of his time and means being spent in public enterprises. A veteral of the Mexican war, his patriotism being one of the strongest marks of his character; a generous free-hearted man whose own interest were always secondary, who had the welfare of the people at heart. In his death the community sustained an irreparable loss; the county loses one of her most public spirited citizens; by his deeds he built a monument to his memory in the hearts of the people. Funeral services were conducted at the residence by Elder Couch, of the Christian Church, of which the deceased had been a life long member. F. C. M.
News-leader (Springfield, Ky.): n. Thursday, April 30, 1896.
Mr. Henry B. Moore, an old and one of the most highly respected of the county, died at his home at Mooresville Wednesday morning. Mr. Moore was born and has always lived in Washington county. He has been prominently identified with the business interests of the county for fully half a century. He was a truly good, generous and kindhearted man. He leaves his sons, Lucas, the present Commissioner of Agriculture, and John B., and a large circle of other relatives and friends to mourn his loss.
Executor for Benjamine Pile estate.
BirthDec 29, 1835, Washington Co., KY
DeathMar 15, 1887, Washington Co., KY
Burial1887, Pile Cemetery #2, Washington Co., KY
Misc. Notes
On the 15th inst., Mrs. Jane Moore, wife of Henry B. Moore of Mooresville. Mrs. Moore met with a painful accident about three months ago by falling on the ground while going to the next house. Since that time she had been confined to her bed wit a fractured limb. The day before her death she was thought to be recovering and was feeling exceedingly better. On the morning of her death she called for her husband to assist her to a sitting posture, scarcely had he done so when she requested to be lain back on the pillow, and died in a few moments.
MarriageJun 30, 1852, Washington Co., KY
ChildrenLucas (1861-1917)