Peake - Stiles - Person Sheet
NameDavid Thomas STILES
BirthSep 21, 1829, Hardin Co., KY
OccupationFarmer, miner, soldier
Misc. Notes
Moved to Missouri in in 1839 with his father, and settled on an open prarie, near the present town of Windsor stands. He and his brother Henry went to CA in 1848 to seek their fortune in the mines. Returned home in 1852 by way of the Isthmus of Panama. Henry died in CA. On August 10, 1862, he joined the Southern Army under Cockrell’s command, and was in some of the hottest battles fought. He was transferred to Gen. Price’s command, and at Shreveport the Commander surrendered. From Shreveport he traveled for home on the steamboat “Old Kentucky,” which sank on the Red River. He was one of the survivors, and finally reached home on Johnson County, MO. He retired from farming in 1892 and removed with family to Windsor. He was a zealous member of the Baptist Church for 38 years.
61Born in area of Hardin Co. that later became Larue Co.