NameJames Richard HOWELL Jr. 
BirthMay 17, 1918, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY
DeathOct 5, 1944, Ft. McClellan, AL
Burial1944, Red Hill Cemetery, Hodgenville, KY
EducationC-5, AB LLB U of K Law School
Misc. Notes
The Larue County Herald News, Thursday, October 19, 1944;
Will of James Richard Howell, Jr., dated June 20th, 1944 and witnessed by Estelle M. Fleischer and Mary A. Snyder, was probated Monday in Larue County Court.
He named his father, James R. Howell, executor of the will and directed that he be allowed to qualify and act without bond.
To his mother, Mattie Johnson Howell, He bequeathed, in fee simple, his property of every description.
JAMES R. HOWELL, JR was born May 17, 1918, Louisville, Kentucky and died October 5, 1944. James was the son of James R. and Mattie Johnson Howell. James never married. He was a Lieutenant in the U. S. Army. Upon graduation High School in 1936, and entered the University of Kentucky, where he got his AB and LLB degrees, graduating from law school in 1942. James took R.O.T.C. at the University and was a Cadet Major. He attended Officers Candidate School at Fort Benning, Ga., in 1942. He reported for duty at Fort McClellan, Alabama. Hodgenville Bar paid tribute to James R. Howell, Jr., October 11, 1944. You can find this in the Larue Circuit Court Order Book.
The undersigned, having been appointed at a meeting of the Hodgenville Bar Association as a committee to draft resolutions of respect for James Richard Howell, a member of this bar, who met untimely death on Thursday, October 5, 1944 in the state of Alabama, while serving as a Lieutenant in the service of the United States, respectfully submit the following:
In the death of Lieutenant Howell the bar of Hodgenville and the entire community in which he lived has lost a young man of high character and promise of great usefulness. By his uniform courtesy and kindness he made friends of all whth whom he was associated. He will be greatly missed by the people of Hodgenville, and expecially among the young with whom he was most closely identified.
To the bereaved parents we extend the sympathy of the entire bar of Hodgenville, and we direct that a copy of this resolution be sent to Mr. and Mrs. James R. Howell, and also ask that a copy be spread at large on the Order Book of the Larue Circuit Court. This October 11, 1944.
Respectfully submitted, Shelby Howard, L.B. Handley, O. M. Mather -- Committee.
From the Larue County Herald News, 1944:
James Richard Howell, Jr., was killed in an automobile accident at Ft. McClellan, Alabama, on October 4, 1944. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, October 8, at the Baptist Church and burial was at Red Hill Cemetery. He was 26 years old.
James Richard was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Howell, of this city, and is survived by his parents and one brother, Carl, of Columbus, Ohio.
He was born May 17, 1918 at Louisville, Ky., and came to Hodgenville with his parents in 1920. He attended the school here until his graduation from high school in 1936, and then entered the University of Kentucky, where he received his AB and LLB degrees, graduating from Law School in 1942. At the University he was a member of Sigma Nu social fraternity, of Phi Delta Phi law fraternity, Y. M. C. A., Kernel Staff, Delta Sigma Chi and Lances.
He took R. O. T. C. at the University and was a Cadet Major there before graduating. He attended Officers Candidate School at Ft. Benning, GA., in 1942, but because of an old illness he was rejected for active service. On returning home he joined the law firm of Ogden, Galphin, Tarrant and Street in Louisville, KY., and there practiced law unti June of this year. In June he signed a waiver of disability in order to receive his commission as Lieutenant and to enter the Army, and then he reported for duty at Ft. McClellan, Alabama.