Peake - Stiles - Person Sheet
NameJames BALL
Birth1749, Dublin, Ireland160
DeathMar 27, 1830, Owen Co., KY160
BurialSalem Cemetery, Owen Co, KY
Misc. Notes
Birthdate was according to his pension application of 1818 and 1821. Tradition - he came to America caught up in the struggle for freedom. He joined the patriot forces in 1776 and served in the 4th Virginia Regiment. He was wounded in the
160battle of Brandywine and saw action at Germantown and Stony Point. He received a military land warrant from the state gov. of VA. Which gave him acreage in the wild land of KY., which later became Lincoln and Fayette counties. He was reported to be a friend and companion of Daniel Boone. Scharf's History of St. Louis City and County tells us that the Boone party which included James and family moved along the trail to St. Louis. Probably buried in Salem Cemetery on Big Twin Creek.
Owen County, KY.
DeathAug 29, 1842, Owen Co., KY
Misc. Notes
May have been born in VA.
Pension Application File W8336 National Archives Microfilm M804 Roll 127.
Owenton, Owen Cty Kentucky
June 15th 1843
My Mother, Margaret Ball, widow of Jas Ball was a pensioner of the United States at the rate of $80 per year. She died on the 29th of August 1842 leaving a large family of children. Some of whom live in this County, some in Nelson County Ky, and others living in other States, scattered as it were to the four winds. I administered upon her Estate in the fall of 1842 and supposing that as admst I had the legal right to the balance due her at the time of her death. I made the necessary proof of her death & casualty and gave my power of attorney to draw the money from the pension agent at Louisville. The money was not paid and for the reason that by the law the children and not the agent is entitled. This, at all events was the reason assigned. The amount due of the pension is quite small being a fraction less than $40 and it would cost that amount or near it in money and trouble to procure the necessary powers of attorney from the children to allow me to draw the money.
My Mother left some personal property and at the time of her death owed comparatively nothing, only a few dollars, which have been paid and there is a surplus in my hands to be divided amongst the children. And if this little balance could be attained the sum to be divided would be increased by that amount. If it came to my hands as the adm I would be bound by my bond to distribute it equally and would have the inclination to do it. And it does appear to me under the whole circumstances that this be paid over to me without any impropriety … it is so done. The money will be lost to us. We are all quite poor and small as the amount is it would be very acceptable & serviceable. May I venture to ask you to direct this payment by the pension agent at Louisville? I can only appeal under the circumstances to you and ask you to give some consideration to the case and direct that to be done in the case which you think right. Yours. Jacob Ball. Please to write to me direct to Owenton Owen County KY.
MarriageMay 17, 1771, Hampshire Co., VA161,162