NameHenry BRAY
Birth1727, Washington Co., MD162
Deathca 1799, Nelson Co., KY
Misc. Notes
Revolutionary War 16 Mar 1778 Washington Co., MD
Oath of Allegiance.
Revolutionary Records of Maryland, Part 1 by Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh and Margaret Roberts Hodges published 1924, Annapolis, Md
page 16: Patriot's Oaths of Fidelity and Support, The Worshipfull Samuel Barrits' Returns. Number 30 is Henry Bray. 16 Mch, 1778.
"I do sware I do not hold myself bound to yield any Allegience or obedience to the King of Great Britain his heirs or Successors and that I will be true and faithful to the State of Maryland and will to the utmost of my power, Support maintain and defend the Freedom and Independence thereof and the Government as now established against all open enemies and secret and traterous Conspriaces and will use my utmost endeavours to disclose and make known to the Governor or some one of the Judges or Justices thereof all Treasons or Treaterous Consperaces, attempts or Combinations against this State or the Government thereof which may come to my Knowledge so help me God.
Revolutionary War 05 Sep 1781 Washington Co., MD
Archives of Maryland, Volume 18, Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution 1775-1783 published by the Maryland Historical Society, 1900.
page 387/8: A List of Recruits, Vagrants and Draughts raised in Washington County under the Act for raising two Battalions of Militia, &c. [MyNote: previous entry was for Talbot County and dated August 30th, 1781. "A List of Persons draughted to raise two Battalions of Militia to reinforce the American Army, to serve 'till the 10th of December, 1781."] Enlisted Sept 5, Henry Bray.
Will: 02 Mar 1798 Nelson Co., KY
Will Book A-1 pages 373-375.
In the name of God amen.
I Henry Bray of Nelson County being weak of body but of sound disposing mind & memory and understanding do make & ordain this my last will and Testament in the following manner and form. Item. I give an bequeath unto my dear & well beloved Cathrne Bray all my home plantation during her natrel life and one third of all my moveble estate.
Item. My will and desire is all my land and two thirds of my moveble estate shall be sold and equily divided between my seaverell Children after my just debts is paid namely John Bray, Phillip Bray, Fredrick Bray, Peter Bray, William Bray, Abraham Bray Pegga Ball Jan Dewit Mary Davis Cristiner Roberts. Item. my will is Abraham Bray shall have sixteen pounds out of John Brays part - I nominate constitute and appoint Aaron Atherton my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and Testament. In Witness hereof I, Henry Bray the testator have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this second day of March Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight. Henry Bray (his x mark)
Signed Sealed and acknowledged in the presents of us
John B. Hile
Zachariah Masterson (his x mark)
Misc. Notes
Event: Taxlist 1799 Nelson Co., KY
Note: Catherine, Abram, Fredrick, Peter and William Bray all listed for Nelson County. John Bray NOT listed.
Event: Taxlist 07 Jul 1800 Nelson Co., KY
162Note: Cahrine Bray, also Abraham, Peter and William in Nelson County. John Bray was listed in Hardin County