NameFondrose Boone RAPIER
BirthApr 18, 1850, Knob Creek, Larue Co., KY5
DeathSep 13, 1934, Nelson Co., KY
BurialSep 15, 1934, St. Joseph Cemetery, Bardstown, Nelson Co., KY
OccupationInsurance Agent, Farmer, Nelson Co. Clerk, Nelson Co. Judge5
EducationGethsemani College, St. Mary’s College
Misc. Notes
Later lived with Uncle RH and Leona Edelen until his death.
119 His grandchildren called him Grandhardy.
Fondrose Boone Rapier—A scion of the fourth generation of the Rapier family in Kentucky, the subject of this review is one of the representative citizens of Nelson county, where he is now presiding on the bench of the county court, besides which he is actively identified with the furniture and undertaking business in Bardstown. Judge Rapier was born in Larue county, near New Haven, on the 18th of April, 1850, and is a son of Nicholas A. and Charlotte M. (Boone) Rapier. Judge F. Boone Rapier was reared and educated in Larue county and he has been a resident of Bardstown since 1897. He is a staunch and effective advocate of the principles and policies of the Democratic party and has given yeoman service in behalf of its cause. In 1896 he was elected county court clerk, and of this office he continued incumbent for two terms. In 1909 there came a consistent recognition of his ability and effective service when he was elected to his present office as judge of the county court. He assumed the duties of this position in January, 1910, and is giving a most able and discriminating administration. For a number of years past he has been actively interested in the furniture and undertaking business in Bardstown, and here he is a communicant of the Catholic church, as was also his wife, besides which he is affiliated with the local organization of the Knights of Columbus. In the year 1871 was solemnized the marriage of Judge Rapier to Miss Sarah Thompson, who was born and reared in Larue county, this state, and concerning their children the following brief record is given—J. Ekro is cashier of the bank of Sylvester Rapier & Company, at New Haven, Nelson county; Jesse D. resides in Bardstown; Stephen A. is now a resident of New York City; Nancy A. is the wife of William O. Stiles, of Bardstown ; and Leona and Martha Etna remain at the parental home. Mrs. Rapier died July 29, 1908.
120Marriage records in Larue County.
F. Boone can be found in the census records with his occupation listed as: county official (1900), county judge (1910), a life insurance agent (1920), and living with his son in law (1930). He died in 1934. The note found with Judge Rapier’s photo indicated that he was appointed to serve on the Local Exemption Board when William Spalding passed away and could not finish his term.
“Mr. F. Boone Rapier, Democratic nominee for COunty Court Clerk, is a Democrat of the “all-wool-and-a-yard-wide variety. Just the kind of a man that a good Democrat will ride twenty miles through a beating rain to get to vote for. He is an excellent oficial, and has made himself one of the most popular men in Nelson COunty. A host of good citizens will cast their votes for him next Tuesday.” – The Nelson Record, Nov. 1, 1901