NameThomas (The Immigrant) HAGAN (HAGOE)
Birthca 1645, Tyrone, Munster, Ireland
DeathFeb 2, 1716, Charles Co., MD
Misc. Notes
Came to America as an endentured servant to John Meekes. Became free man 8/12/1662.
1. Thomas HAGAN was born in 1645 in County Tyrone, Ireland "Clare""Correct Measure"> before 21 Feb 1715/16 in "St. James," nearBryantown, Charles Co. MD.2
Surname spelled HAGAN, HAGOE - in Ireland; HAGON, and possibly HEAGON
-from Jessie Hagan<jessieh@@jcc-uky.campus. mci. net> states that hevisited the birthplace of HAGANS in County Tyrone, Ireland. ThomasHAGAN named his land with the names "Clare" and "Carrick Measure." InCo. Tyrone there are townlands called "Clare" and two miles away"Carrickmore." [carrick means large stone.]
Also in Tyrone there is memorial at the anciem HAGAN family lands in Tullahouge,, which is near Dungarmon. It is just the top of a hill in the middle of a farmer's field, ..."when I was there in 1992 it waslike something magical. There is a historical marker at the site thatsays that there was a ring fort on top of the hill that was thehistorical home of the O'Hagan family in the 1 lth Century."
Background- from "Clans and Families of Ireland," by John Grenham,[formerly a professional genealogist attached to the GenealogicalOffice and now a project manager with the Irish Genealogical Project]: p. 168: O'HAGAN along with O'DOHERTY, O'DONNEL and others, is derived from the Ui Neill, the powerful tribal grouping claiming descem from Naill of the Nine Hostages, the fifth c. monarch supposedly responsible for kidnapping St. Patrick to Ireland. Within the Ui Neillthe two principal subgroups were the "Cineal Eoghain" and the "Gineat Conalll," claiming descem from two of the sons of Niall, Eoghan andConall resp. The O'NEILLS were the leading family of the "Cineal Eoghain," ruling the anciem territory of "Tir Eoghaln," comprising not only the modern Co. Tyrone, but also large parts of Derry and Donegal....
Thomas HAGAN emigrated to Maryland. He arrived in the late summer of1662 as a servam of John MEEKES. ( Was Meekes Irish or English? It maybe important for searching the port of departure of the two who migrated to America. Then also they may have come by way of Barbados.)
Thomas Hagan arrived as a indentured servant through Barbados. I think we are all kin to him! He filed a law suit in Maryland because his master didn`t think the time he worked in Barbados, loading sugar should count as part of the indenture he was working off. Thomas Hagan won the case, and ended up being a successful free man in Charles Co. He is buried at St. Marys cemetery, the same cemetery as Dr. Mudd who set John Wilkes Booth`s leg but the Lincoln assassination was much later than Thomas Hagan’s life time. – Pat Matthews
-from notes of Gladys Gerding, 300 N. 4th St., St. Louis, MO (314-241-2590)
"John MEEKES in open Court of Charles Co, MD declared Thomas Hagan afree ~nan, 12 Aug. 1662."
In 1670 he claimed land for the service he had performed. His name isfound in Liber 12, Folio 594 (Skordas, p. 200.) Because som~ne elsepaid for his transportation, Thomas had been bound to service for aset period of years, probably seven. Upon completing his service, hewas allowed to claim 50 acres of land. A warrant was then issued tothe surveyor directing him to lay out and survey the specified quantity of land for the applicant and return the certificate ofsurvey to the Secretary's office. The certificate named the person forwhom the survey was made, described the boundaries of the land andgave the total acreage of the tract. If the certificate was made outin proper form and there were no conflicting claims, a patera wasissued gaming the land described in the certificate to the applicant.The patera was dated, sealed with the great seal of the Province and signed by the Governor, acting for Lord Baltimore in whose name theland was grained. "The Early Settlers of Maryland" by Gust Skordas,1995, Genealogical Publishing Company.
On 27 September 1680 Thomas obtained a land patera for 200 A in St.Mary's County, called "St. Jansen." On 11 May 1695 he had anotherpatera for 650 Acres called "Good Intern."
In a deposition of 1715 Thomas gave his age as "Seventy odd yeares"[Patems 3:235.]
At his death Thomas had acquired 1490 Acres, a considerable amoum ofproperty. He bequests: 300 A. "St. James,"; 15 A. plus another 60 A.bought of Wm. Boarman, to his wife, Mary and at her demise to son,William; 350 A. part of "Good Iment," to son, James. 200 A. pan of"Good Intern," also 65 A. bought of Wm. Boarman, to son, Ignatins. 250A. "Clare" adjoining "Good Intern." to son, Thomas. 100 A., part of"Good Intern" to dau., Mary Baggott, adjoining the place she has already seated. 150 A. "Correct Measure," in St. Mary's County, tosons Thos. and Ignatius, afsd. four dan., Sarah Edelen, Charity Green,Ann Smith and Eliza: Clarkson, each 10s. Testators: William Boarman,Jr., Thos. Dison, Jno. Gates, Joseph Gates.
He was married to Mary ?AISQUITH on 9 Jun 1670 in Sr Mary's Co, MD.3Mary ?AISQUITH was born about 1651 in
Maryland. She died about 4 Feb 1726/27 in "St. James" Charles Co, MD.4The spouse of Thomas HAGAN, Mary, may have been an AISQUITH. Butother surnames, ie. MUDD, are speculated. No proof for any of the surnames has been found.
Some AISQUITH / AKITH data from early Maryland records AISQUITH
George, & Elizabeth Guyther, dau/Wm. Guyther & Grace Hebb,
m. 3 March 1784. Elizabeth m. (2) between 1791-1800, Richard (7) (45)
Ref. Land Patent Certificate. #217, 1801.
John, & Mary Chesley m. 3 June 1779 (45)
John, m. by 1792, Mary Clarke, dau/Richard. Ref. will JJ-2:51 (7)
Thomas, m. Ann HOPEWELL, sister of Richard HOPEWELL, d. 1718. Ref.will PC-1:247 & Admin. Acct. 6:133 (7)
William, ( - 1740) m. Susanna KING, dau/Charles KING(d. c1739 St.Mary's Co, MD, Book 22, p. 43.
She m. (2) by 1758 George DAFFIN (DAFT) by 1750. Ref. wills TA-l:84 &110; Admin. Accts. 20:431 & 42:156,7; Patent BT & BY:448. (7) (10)(Marriages and Deaths in St. Mary's Co, MD "Fresco, Marg., p. 7.)
"On June 9 (1670) 100 acres called "Newcastle" was surveyed for himand George AKEETH (AISQUITH) in Newton Hundred, St. Mary's Co (RentRolls). About the same time he married. The surname of his wife, Mary,is not known. [ In another place, Mrs. Pikell (one of the foremostresearchers on the Hagan family) conjectures that it might have beenAISQUITH on the basis on some land settlements involving Mary HAGANand the AISQUITH family.] (Thomas & Mary HAGAN of Charles Co, MD" ,Harry Hagan, OSB, St. Meinrad Archabbey, St. Meinrad, IN 4 p. 7,
-In Skordas, a George AKITH, was transported 1660-65 [Liber 9- Folio69].
- from Coldham's "Settlers of Maryland 1679-1700, p. 5: ASQUITH,William, Gentleman had patented the following tracts of land in St.Mary's Co:
"Aisquith's Folly," 100 A. 13 Jan. 1682; "Beaver Dam ," 118 A. on May5, 1698;
"Birch Spring," 125 A. 23 Apr. 1683; "Hickory Hills," !00 A. 7 Apr.1682; and "Slainemore," 100 A. on 20 Feb. 1682.
1693 - William AISQUITH, along with John HORN, Winfired WHEATLEY, andEdward HORNE, were legatees in the estate of Edward HORNE. WilliamAISQUITH was also admin. of estate. (Donnelly, Mary "...St. Clement'sBay..." p.263)
a William AISQUITH along with William BLADEN, and Capt. John DAVIS, in1693 were appointed deputies to apprehend, seize and take into custodyCol. Peter SAYER and Thomas SMITH of Talbot Co, for conspiracy. p.290, Vol. 2, William AISQUITH had "Aisquith's Folly," -- 100 A.surveyed 28 Jan. 1681.
-p. 360, Vol. 2, a William AISQUITH was among the members of the "Sonsof Liberty" in A.A. Co, in c1766. ( "Side-lights on Maryland History,"Vol. 2, p. 16, Hester Dorsey Richardson)
Muster rolls of 1732-1748/9. Thomas AISQUITH, Major, and GeorgeAISQUITH, Captain, were members of the 1st Troope of St. Mary's Co,Maryland Militia, with Justianian JORDAN (Dead) Lieut. Coil. ( Ibid.Vol. 2, p. 273)
-from Brumbaugh, Vol. 1, an Eleanor AISQUITH m. Benjamin TUBBS 15 Feb.1806 in St. M. Co.
-a Will of Mary HAGAN, 8 April 1721 4 February 1726 Chas. Co.,Maryland
bequeathes entire estate to son. William. Ex. William HAGAN, Test.Thomas WEBSTER, Thomas JAMESON.WHO is she??
N.B. Others think Thomas HAGAN, Emigrant, married Mary MUDD. (askJerry Jones). His source was WFT, Vol 2, Ed. 1, # 3282.
Why would Mary ?AISQUITH name her son Thomas, Thomas Clark HAGAN? Howdo we know Thomas' middle name? (one of his descendants gave it tome...who?)
General: The surname was HAGOE in Ireland, but changed to HAGAN whenthey came to America. He was born in County Clare, Province ofMunster. He gave his age in a deposition of 1715 as "Seventy oddyears"(Patents 3:225). He arrived in MD. in the late summer of 1662 asa servent of John Meekes. He may have come by way of Barbados. Thefirst record concerning him was an oath he took in the Oct Court ofCharles Co.,MD. to the effect that a consignment of sugar from freightof John Meekes out of Barbados into VA. has been delivered to acertain resident of MD. (MD Archives,LIII,a400). John Meekes in opencourt of Charles Co., MD. declared Thomas Hagan of Charles Co., MD. afree man, 12 Aug 1662 (MD> Archives,LIII,a400-401). ( Info from a bookfound in Bardstown, KY., County Library: Thomas Hagan of Charles Co.,MD. and his decendent in Central KY. to about 1850). See blue BKA. Hiswill found in MD. Calendar of Wills, Vol. IV, 1713 to 1726, compiledby Jane Baldwin, page 66. Wife Mary; sons James, ignatius, Thomas,daughters; Mary Baggott, Sarah Edelin, Charity Green, Ann Smith &Eliza Clarkson. Test: Wm. Boarman Jr., Thomas Dison, Jno. Gates. Willbook, 14, p213.
(Note added by Eugene W. Stark, 23 sep 1996) I have received acommunication from Jessie Hagan, Staff Genealogist, NSSAR, expressingconcern about the certainty of the assertions that Thomas Hagan wasmarried to Mary Boarman and was from County Clare. According to J. H.,based on 12 years of research of this line, these assertions arespeculative and have not been proved at this time.
(Note added by John C. Hagan, 10 Aug 1997) Further correspodence withJessie Hagan revealed more info. Jessie Hagan wrote: "It is mostlikely that he was from County Tyrone near the Townland of Clare. Thistoo is speculation, but a check of Counties shows an abundance ofHagans in Tyrone in that time period, and almost none in County Clare.O'Hagan is very much associated with County Tyrone and the O'Neillclan. I visited Tullahougue in Co. Tyrone about 4 years ago. I thinkthe Co. Clare speculation came into being because he named a piece ofproperty Clare. He also named a piece of property Carrick Measure. InCounty Tyrone, there is a Townland near Cookstown called Clare. About4 miles away is a Townland called Carrickmore. All of this is lessthan 10 minutes from Tullahougue which is refered to by a historicalmarker as the Ancestral home of the O'Hagan family in the 11thcentury. Someone named Tim Lively has submitted that Thomas Hagan wasmarried to Mary Alsquith. What is most interesting about his info isthat he has a marriage date. I have tried to locate this person forconfirmation."
Lib WBY.213 Annapolis, MD. Thomas Hagan devises to wife Mary...homeplantation "St. James" 300 acres Charles Co.,MD....also land hepurchased from Major sons James & Ignatius, "Good Intent"nr Zachia Swamp, 550 daughter Mary Baggott 100 acres of"Good Intent"...son Thomas, 150 acres "Correct Measure" in St. Mary'sCo., daus Sarah Edelin, Charity Green,Ann Smith & ElizabethClarkson...Wifes share to go to son William Hagan.(p216 Bowie book)
Note from J.J. Kenny: MacLysaght says..'(O) is fairly wellestablished that this name was originally O'hOgain (from young). It isthat of important Ulster Sept. the leading family was Tullahogue,O'haodhagain, also anglicized O'HAGAN, is said to be a distinct Septof Oriel but owing to proximity of Counties Tyronr and Armagh, theyare now indistinguishable.
Also, in the 1890 surname study by Matheson, there were 69 HAGANbirths, of which 49 were in Ulster Province. The counties where thebirths principally occured were Antrim, Tyrone and Armagh.
Note from David Hagan: Thomas came to maryland as a single man in1662. He was married to Mary Asquith? in St. Marys Co., MD. MaryAsquith? died before 4 feb 1725/26 in Charles Co., MD.
In the name of God Amen.. I Thomas Hagoe of Charles Co. in theProvince of Maryland, Planter,
being infirm of body but of sound and perfect memory do now make thismy Last Will and
Testament as followeth...
INPRIMIS: I bequeath my Soul to God that gave it my body to the Earth(after my decease) to
be decently buried at the charges of my estate and the discretion of
my Executor hereafter
ITEM.. I will that my just debts and funeral charges be first
ITEM.. I constitute and ordain my loving wife Mary Hagoe whole andsole Executrix of this my
Last Will and Testament to whom the aforesaid Mary, my wife, I giveand bequeath the plantation
and Tract of land I now dwell upon called by the name of St. Jameslying in Charles County
containing three hundred acres of land, and also two parcels of
land, one bought of Major William
Boarman containing fifteen the other bought of Major Wm. Boarmancontaining sixty acres of land
during her natural life and after her decease to my son William
Hagoe to him and his heirs forever
ITEM.. I give unto my son James Hagoe three hundred and fifty acres ofland a part of the tract
of land called The Good Intent beginning, containing as put in thepatent at the first bounded tree
standing in Zachia Swamp and so running according to the same patentto make the just quantity
of three hundred and fifty acres of land to him and his heirs
ITEM.. I give unto my son Ignatius Hagoe two hundred acres of land outof the aforesaid tract
of land called The Good Intent binding upon his aforesaid brothersJames' and running according
to the patent of the aforesaid land to make up the just and fullquantity of two hundred acres of
land, as I also give unto the aforesaid Ignatius, my son, a tract
of land containing sixty five acres
of land bought of Major Win. Boatman and made over to me by a Codicilaffixed to the Last Will
and Testament of the aforesaid Boarman to him and his heirs forever.
ITEM.. I give unto my son Thomas Hagoe two hundred and fifty acres ofland binding upon
Good Intent and Major Wm. Boarman's which I purchased of my Lord Baltimore called by the name of Clare to him and his heirs forever.
ITEM.. I give unto my daughter Mary Baggott one hundred acres of landbeing part of a tract of land called The Good Intent aforesaid which part adjoining convenient tothe place where she was
seated before to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM.. I give unto my two sons Thomas and Ignatius Hagoe a tract ofland lying in St. Marys
County upon the head of Nevitts Creek called by the name of CarracksMeasure containing one
hundred and fifty acres of land to them and their heirs forever.
ITEM.. I give unto my four daughters Sarah Edelin, Charity Green, Ann Smith, Elizabeth Clarksonto each ten shillings.
ITEM.. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Hagoe all mypersonal estate I am and
shall be in possession of at my death during her' natural life and
after her decease to be my son William Hagoe's.
ITEM.. I do by these presents revoke and make void all former Willsand Testaments and do
ordain that this present Will to be my last Will and Testament whereof I have set my hand this
twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand sevenhundred and fourteen.
Test: William Boarman Jr. Thomas Hagoe
John Gates
Joseph Gates
Birthca 1645
Death1726, Charles Co., MD
Misc. Notes
Date of death: Will made 8 Apr 1721, proved 4 Feb 1726, in CharlesCo., MD. records.
In the name of God Amen, I Mary Hagan of Charles County in the province of Maryland being infirm of body but of sound andperfect memory do now make this my Last Will and Testament as followeth...
INPRIMIS... I bequeath my soul to God that gave it, my body to theearth (after my decease)
to be decently buried at the charges of my estate and discretion of my executors hereafter named ....
ITEM... I will that my just debts and funeral charges be first paid...
Last name may be AISQUITH.
ITEM... I nominate constitute and ordain my loving son William Haganwhole and sole
executor of this my Last Will and Testament, to whom the aforesaid William Hagan I give and
bequeath all my goods and chatties of whatever kind and nature.
In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this eighth day ofApril 1721
Signed sealed and declared
in the presence of her
Mary Hagan
Thomas Webster mark
Thomas Jameson
MarriageJun 9, 1670, St. Mary’s Co., MD116
ChildrenJames (1671-1749)