NameThomas RINEY Sr. 
Birth1725, St. Mary’s Co., MD
DeathNov 5, 1795, Washington Co., KY
Misc. Notes
Thomas Edward RINEY, I
Father, John B Riney
Mother, Ann Harris
Parents are not proven and documented
Possibly buried at St. Ann Cemetery in Washington Co., KY.
Washington Co., KY Wills 1792-1808, page 61, Kentucky Researcher-Vol. 2, Dec. 1963-No. 3
Thomas Riney - June 4, 1795 Book A 1792-1808: Thomas Riney Inventory Nov. 5, 1795 December 3, 1795
Being very sick and weak of body, etc., 1st I give to my daughter Nancy Alvey a feather bed and furniture that's known by the name of my bed. Item - I also give to my son Basil my other feather bed and furniture. Item - I also give to my three grandchildren, Mary Riney, Nancy Riney and Thomas Riney, children of my son Thomas Riney (deceased), 20 shillings each, Maryland currency to be paid to them as they come of age. Item - The money I have belonging to the estate of my son, Thomas Riney, deceased, to be given up to his widow and her husband on their giving bond with approved security to return the money to the children of the said Thomas Riney, deceased, as they come of age. Item - I also put into the hands of my son Zachariah Riney 20 pounds Maryland currency for the use of my daughter Henrietta Worthan. He having the use of the money for three years without interest; then to be paid to the said Henrietta or her legal representative.
Item - After paying my just debts, I give all the residue of my estate both real and personal to be divided between my five children: Henrietta Worthan, Mary Gresta, Zachariah Riney, Basil Riney and Nancy Alvey, them and their heirs and assigns forever. And lastly, I appoint Zachariah Riney and Joseph Alvey executors to this my last will and testament; hereby making null and void all other wills and requests and testaments. In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal, this fourth day of June, 1795. Sealed and acknowledged. Samuel Overton, Thomas (X-his mark) Riney, Matthew Walton, Charles (X-his mark) Graves N.B. It is further my will and request that none of my negroes that I now possess and have willed away in the will hereunto annexed shall be sold out of the family of said children and their heirs. Thomas (X-his mark) Riney
Above information provided by: Bob & Ann (DiMeglio) Alv...
Birth1738, St. Mary’s Co., MD
Death1790, St. Mary’s Co., MD