NameCpt. John SEAMAN 
Birthca 1605, Essex, England
Death1695, Hempstead, NY
ReligionPuritan; Quaker
Misc. Notes
Came to America in 1630 with the Winthrop fleet of ten vessels with nine hundred immigrants. His will is dated August 5, 1694 and was proved March 20, 1695.
John Seaman owned land in Salem, Mass., in 1643.
Captain John Seaman was one of the sixty-two original signers (in Connecticut) of the Hempstead compact of land, and in 1647 we find him settled in Hempstead, Long Island, where he became on of the most prominent men for half a century "and had left such a host of descendants as to be remarkable, genealogically."
The Town Records of Hempstead, Long Island, state:
"It seems probable that in the previous year Captain John Seaman coming from the eastern end of the island, had settled land adjoining what was subsequently the eastern boundary of the Hempstead Purchase, and had secured title to a tract comprising more than twelve thousand acres, which, in 1685, under the Dongan patent, became part of the town of Hempstead."
From that time on we find his name in many pages of history, recording a life of ceaseless activity in the establishment of his section of America.
"Once he signed an agreement or pledged his faith he never disclaimed his share of it."
Although a farmer, he was also a professional surveyor and in 1679, sometime after his conversion, he held Quaker meetings in his home. It is this latter activity that was most significant because all throughout the period of government by the Dutch West India Company (1609-64), what's now Nassau and Queens became the second largest concentration of Quakers in the New World; religious minorities enjoying tolerance uncommon by 17th Century standards. By the time the Duke of York seized control of the colony, the Quakers were well established. His endeavor to crack-down on religious and political liberties led to considerable political turmoil which lasted until his overthrow in 1688 by William, the Prince of Nassau-Orange.
Seaman's status as an important landowner, membership in a cadre of prominent colonists bound by their Quaker faith and common economic interests, and his rapport and friendship with local Indian sachems kept him politically active and influential by the time of John Townsend of Oyster Bay and Thomas Powell of Bethpage oversaw his will in 1695.
WILL dated August 5, 1694 and proved March 20, 1695: Benjamin Fletcher, Governor, etc. To all to whom these may come. Know ye that at New York the 20 of March, 1694/5, the last will of JOHN SEAMAN was proved and his sons Benjamin and Thomas were confirmed as executors.
In the name of God, Amen. I, John Seaman the elder, of Hempstead, in Queens County, upon Long Island, alias Nassau, being weake and infirm in body, and knowing that it appertaineth to every man to set in order all worldly concerns, so yt after decease no suite, trouble, or calamity may ensue. And being well advised with the great and weighty work I am now about, do make and declare this my last will and testament. I leave to my oldest son John a certain lot of 22 acres, of which he is now in possession, and where he now lives; also another lot of 20 acres of meadow upon the neck called the Great Neck, being eastward and within the bounds of said town of Hempstead. I leave to my 5 sons Jonathan, Benjamin, Solomon, Thomas and Samuel, 400 acres of land according to a Patent, granted by Governor Richard Nicolls, lying at a place commonly known and called by the name of Jerusalem, within the bounds of Hempstead, to be equally divided between them. Also a certain neck of meadow lying eastward from said town of Hempstead called in ye Indian tongue Ruskatux Neck. Bounded east by the Oyster Bay line, and upon Hempstead west, and to be equally divided. I leave to my 3 sons, John, Nathaniel, and Richard, the remainder of my meadow, whereof one half is already confirmed to my son in law, Nathaniel Pearsall, with four or five acres of upland for his convenience of yardidge, for wintering his cattle. Which said meadow is situate upon a neck called by the name of the Half Neck, or in the Indian tongue Muskachim. I leave to my eight sons, John, Jonathan, Benjamin, Solomon, Thomas, Samuel, Nathaniel and Richard, all the upland lying and situate upon Ruskatux Neck, as also upon the neck called Half Neck, except the four or five acres confirmed to my son in law, Nathaniel Pearsall. I leave to my sons Nathaniel, and Richard, my lot of meadow at a neck called Sticklands Neck, as also a parcel of meadow lying upon New Bridge Neck. I also give them 150 acres of upland situated and lying at a place commonly called Success, by virtue of an order from the Town. Also a certain parcel of land, being 316 acres, lying at or near the Harbor head, so called, being already confirmed to my said two sons by deed of gift. I give all my rights in the undivided lands in Hempstead to my 8 sons. I leave to my wife Martha a certain house lot adjoining to the land of James Pine, being three acres, during her life, and then to my two sons, Nathaniel and Richard. I also leave them the remainder of my house lots, and the pasture and the field at the eastward of the town called the Holly. I leave to my wife Martha one half of the dwelling house for life and then to my son Richard, and the other half to my son Nathaniel. I leave to my wife one third of the movables, and to my two sons Nathaniel and Richard the other two thirds. I leave to my daughter Mary Pearsall two cows. I leave to my wife six acres of meadow at the Hay Bridge during her life and then to my sons Richard and Nathaniel. I leave two thirds of my remaining live stocks to my five daughters, Mary Pearsall, Hannah Carman, Martha Pearsall, Sarah Mott, and Deborah Kirk, and to my daughter Elizabeth Jackson 20 shillings. I leave to my sons Richard and
Nathaniel all my armes except my large gun, which shall be for the use of all my sons. Makes wife Martha and sons Benjamin and Thomas executors, and "my friends Thomas Powell and John Townsend, Sr., overseers."
Death1698, Hempstead, Queens Co., NY
BaptismOct 21, 1639, Salem, Essex Co., MA
Misc. Notes
Died in Hempstead, Queens Co. [now Nassau Co.], NY.
"Maria found to have been the daughter of Thomas More, of Southold, [NY], and Martha (Youngs) his wife.She was baptized at Salem, Mass., with her brother thomas, on 21st of October, 1639 (Vol. VI., Hist. Coll. Essex Inst., 237); was called in her father's will, in 1691, Martha Symonds, named in her husband's will in 1694, and living, per census list, in 1698.She had a sister, Hannah Symonds, perhaps a widow." [from: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Record, v. 11:10 [Oct. 1880]]
Baptism: October 21, 1639, Salem, MA (Source: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, "New York Genealogical and Biographical Record," New York:: 11:10 [Oct. 1880], "She was baptized at Salem, Mass., with her brother Thomas, on 21st of October, 1639 (Vol. VI., Hist. Coll. Essex Inst., 237).)
She and John had four sons and seven daughters.