Peake - Stiles - Person Sheet
NameRobert HALL 
BirthJan 28, 1857, Big Clifty, Grayson Co., KY
DeathDec 26, 1904, Custer, Breckinridge Co., KY
Burial1904, Harrington Cemetery, Breckinridge Co., KY
Misc. Notes
While reveling in the happy pleasures of the Christmas holidays, thinking little of sorrow or trouble, the news flashed over our community last Monday morning that death's harvester was yet busy in gathering his sheaves, and as is so often the case, one of the best of our community was summoned to cross the river in the person of Mrs. Ed Triplett. Her illness was of short duration, and her death was due to acute pneumonia. Every effort was made to save her but all in vain. Mrs. Triplett was the daughter of Uncle Frank Beatty and was born near Big Clifty, Grayson County, Kentucky, January 28, 1857. She was married to Robert Hall October 16, 1881. Her first husband having died, she married Ed Triplett, January 10, 1894. She was laid to rest in the family burying ground December 27, 1904, surrounded by relatives and friends. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Church and was never happier than when sitting in her pew, and drinking in the gospel truths she loved so well. To the bereaved ones it is a sad stroke, but may their lives all be like hers and as triumphant in the end. She's gone from earth from sin and woe, She's free from toil and care, She's heard her Savior's welcome voice, And joined him in the air.