Peake - Stiles - Person Sheet
NameMary Catherine ROBERTSON 
Deathca 1873
Misc. Notes
Name inferred from 1870 US Census.
BirthJun 2, 1846, KY
DeathNov 25, 1920, Nelson Co., KY
BurialNov 26, 1920, Bardstown Cemetery, Bardstown, Nelson Co., KY
OccupationUndertaker, Wagon Maker, Livery Business, Farmer
Misc. Notes
Bardstown, Nov. 25, 1920 - James W. Cotton, 74 years old, died at his home here this afternoon of heart disease. He had been seriously ill only a few days. For many years he was in the undertaking business here. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the Baptist Church. His widow, Mrs. Fannie Cotton, and three children survive: Charles Cotton, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Katie Roby, wife of W.J. Roby, County Court Clerk, and miss Rebecca Cotton, Bardstown.
MarriageFeb 25, 1869, Nelson Co., KY