NameEdwin Gaylord MATTINGLY 
BirthDec 16, 1919, Nelson Co., KY
DeathJul 6, 1942, AK
BurialSep 30, 1948, St. Joseph Cemetery, Bardstown, Nelson Co., KY
Misc. Notes
Death Notice in The Kentucky Standard, Thursday, 7-09-1942:
PVT. EDWIN G. MATTINGLY DIES OF GUN SHOT WOUNDS JULY 6 IN ALASKA - TELEGRAM FROM WAR DEPARTMENT NOTIFIES PARENTS WEDNESDAY - Pvt. Edwin Gaylord Mattingly, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mattingly, Bardstown, died Monday, July 6, in Alaska, as a result of gun shot wounds, according to a telegram received Wednesday night by his parents. The Telegram read: "The Secretary of War desires me to express his deep regrets that your son, Pvt. Edwin G. Mattingly died July 6 in Alaska, as a result of gun shot wounds. No remains can be transported to the United States until after termination of hostilities when Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C., will, if possible and upon written request of next kin, bring remains to United States for final interment. Letter follows. The Adjutant General" In the Army nine months, Pvt. Mattingly was inducted October 15, 1941. From Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, he was sent to Camp Wolters, Texas. Early in February he was transferred to Fort Lawton, near Seattle, Washington, and sailed February 13 for Alaska, where he was located at Fort Raymond until his death. He received several citations for good marksmanship while in Alaska. Was in Navy 15 months. He had previously served 15 months in the U. S. Navy, enlisting July 18, 1938. He was honorably discharged because of ill health October 17, 1939. His parents received a letter from him Wednesday, which he had written on June 26. He had not been home since his induction into the Army. Two Brothers in Service. Besides his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Aviation Cadet Joseph B. Mattingly, Jr., of the Army Air Corps, located at Santa Ana, California; Simeon Mattingly, who recently enlisted in the U. S. Signal Corps, and is now in training in Louisville; his grandfathers, Simeon Downs, Bardstown, and Augusta Mattingly, Louisville. He was born and reared in Bardstown, Kentucky, and had been a barber here before he went into service.
Note per Dolores Bohn: He was not buried in St. Joseph Cemetery until 6 years after his death in Alaska. His official obituary in The Kentucky Standard, Thursday, dated 9-30-1948, is below:
RITES FOR EDWIN MATTINGLY HELD HERE SATURDAY - Funeral services for Pvt. Edwin Gaylord Mattingly, 22, who died in the service of his country July 6, 1942, in Alaska, were held Saturday at 9 A.M. at St. Joseph's Church, Bardstown. Rev. Patrick Warren was celebrant of the Solemn High Requiem Mass; Rev. Michael K. Lally deacon, and Rev. Robert Knopp, sub-deacon. Full military rites were conducted at the grave in St. Joseph's Cemetery by the 113th Ordnance Company, National Guard. Pallbearers were Joseph Gilkey, Ferd Rapier, Leland Thompson, Donald Keene, Bobby Jones, Edward Sherard, W. O. Standiford and Hilary Boone. Pvt. Mattingly was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mattingly, Bardstown. He is also survived by two brothers, Joseph B. Mattingly, Jr., and Sim A. Mattingly. Buried, 9-25-1948, in St. Joseph Cemetery, Bardstown, Ky.