Peake - Stiles - Person Sheet
BirthJan 18, 1820, Philadelphia, PA
DeathMar 22, 1880, Salt Lake City, UT
Burial1880, Salt Lake City Cemetery, UT
Birth1821, PA
DeathDec 2, 1897, Salt Lake City, UT
BurialDec 5, 1897, Salt Lake City Cemetery, UT
OccupationLiquor Dealer, Saloon Man
Misc. Notes
“BILLY WEST”, Passing of a Well Known and Eccentric Man.
The brief announcement in yesterday’s Herald of the death of William West, or as he was better known “Billy'' West, did not reach the eyes of so many as a more extended notice would have done. This old man had for many years been a familiar figure in this section of country. He was a bartender and a saloon man here for years and at one time was connected with a place located on the site of the store of F. Auerbach & Bro. The old man ran the White House bar for a long time and sold out about two years ago to the present proprietors. When he was in business he was a man who never drank, but at times during the interval of the years which marked his stay here, he would occasionally indulge in a long protracted spell of hilarity, which consisted in the main of being excessively pilite (polite) and taking carriage drives, of which he was very fond. Although eccentric in some or his actions, he never forgot that he was a gentleman born and his demeanor was always of the most polished kind. Something over a year ago he took the Keeley Cure and for a time was apparently in very good health, although his friends noted that many years and the loss of money were having their effect. He died peacefully, and while he has no relatives here, he has a host of friends who will say a kindly word when they think of him. His old friends are taking care of the funeral arrangements and the old man will be laid to rest in Mt. Olivet.
The Salt Lake Herald (Salt Lake City, Utah) · Sat, Dec 4, 1897 · Page 8
(Note: The Keeley Cure or Gold Cure, was a commercial medical operation that offered treatment to alcoholics from 1879 to 1965.)
Lived in Salt Lake City. 1880 US Census lists him as widowed.
1869 SLC City Directory list him as bartender at Salt Lake Billiard Rooms.
Listed in 1874 SLC City Directory.
1883 SLC City Directory list him as salooon keeper.
1891 SLC City Directory list him as bartender at the “Senate”
1894 SLC City Directory lists him living at 451 1/2 Main St., Salt Lake City, UT. His business is listed as West & Robinson Saloon, 208 S. Main. (William L. West & John W. Robinson)