Peake - Stiles - Person Sheet
NameRena FOWLE 
BirthSep 9, 1882, Carlisle, Nicholas Co., KY
DeathJul 15, 1962, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY
Burial1962, Richmond Cemetery, Madison Co., KY
Misc. Notes
Her G, G Father was Thomas Metcalf Governor of Kentucky and buried at Forest Retreat.
BirthSep 4, 1874, Kirksville, Madison Co., KY
DeathApr 28, 1925, Richmond, Madison Co., KY
Burial1925, Richmond Cemetery, Madison Co., KY
Misc. Notes
Wagon and Auto Collide
Seriously injured Robert Hendren
On Lancaster Pike Tuesday Noon
Causing Internal Injuries
Robert Hendren, 50, a prominent farmer of Calesast neighborhood in this County was seriously injured internally Tuesday about 1 o’ clock pm in a collision on the Lancaster Pike. He and his twelve-year-old son were driving toward Richmond in a farm wagon pulled by a pair of mules, when the wagon was struck in the rear by a produce truck going down hill in the other direction near the home of E. E. Carrier.
Hendren was thrown form the wagon and struck against the stone fence twenty feet from the wagon which was going down the hill in the middle of the road. He was terribly bruised an did not speak prior to the time he arrived at the Gibson hospital to which he was rushed in a passing touring car.
His son was thrown clear of the wagon and fell in the ditch but was not seriously injured. He rushed at once to his father’s side and implored him to speak. The only word Mr. Hendren uttered after being thrown from the wagon was “ I cannot breathe. I can not live”
As the Register gone to press it was not know at the Gibson Hospital just what is the extent of his injuries. He was unconscious when picked up from the side of the pike and was still unconscious when last heard from.
The truck that collided with the Hendren wagon is said to belong to Boyd Coldiron, a produce dealer of Richmond and was alleged to have been driven by Cecil Thompson, 26 of this city.
L. C Bailey a traveling salesman of Lancaster was in the truck with Thompson at the time, riding to this city, and assisted in placing Mr. Hendren in the car that brought him to the hospital. The wagon was completely demolished and one of the mules so injured that it was found necessary to summons a veterinary to stop the flow of blood. The other mule was thrown against the fence and pieces of the wagon hurled against both sides of the road.
The truck was later hauled to the garage of M.C. Starbuck for repairs. The right front fender was bent up and the radiator mashed in. There was some smaller damage done to the front axle, lamps, etc.
Robert Hendren, whose wife was a Miss Fowler, has several children besides the lad who accompanied him in the wrecked wagon. He is the son of the late William Hendren of the county.
Robert S. Hendren died on the day of the wreck Tuesday April 28, 1925 at the Hospital in Richmond, Madison Co. KY
He was survived by his wife of 25 years Rena Fowle Hendren
And six Children:
Robert Louis 19 Years
Lucille 17 Years
Roberta Jean 15 Years
Ida Mae 13 Years
Edward Coleman 10 Years
Pearl Deaver 9 Years
Walter Glen 6 Years
Edward Coleman Hendren was the driver of the wagon and Robert S Hendren was on the back of the wagon holding a calf. The article says that Coleman was twelve years old but he was only 10 years old.