NameOtis HOWELL 
BirthJan 20, 1915, Green Co., KY
DeathOct 11, 2006, Hardin Co., KY
Burial2006, Red Hill Cemetery, Hodgenville, KY
OccupationDeputy County Clerk
Misc. Notes
Enlisting at the age of approximately 29 on March 09, 1944, Otis Howell was a a private in the Selectees during World War II. At the time of enlistment, Otis Howell was married, and had an education level of 4 years of high school. Otis Howell was born in 1915, and identified as white.
Otis Howell died Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006, at Hardin Memorial Hospital. He was an elder emeritus of Hodgenville Christian Church. He served as Larue County Clerk for 45 years along with his wife, Ontalee Howell. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ontalee Peyton Howell; and his parents, Fred and Lottie Skaggs Howell. Survivors include a son and two daughters; a brother, Paul Howell of Lexington; three sisters, Daisy Bates of Louisiana, Ruby Moore of Dayton, Ohio, and Nancy Burba of Hodgenville; eight grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren. The funeral was at Billy Howell Funeral Chapel in Hodgenville with Carl Howell officiating. Burial in Red Hill Cemetery.
BirthMay 9, 1913, Berea, Madison Co., KY
DeathFeb 4, 2005, Hardin Co., KY
Burial2005, Red Hill Cemetery, Hodgenville, KY
OccupationDeputy County Clerk
Misc. Notes
ONTALEE PEYTON, 91, passed away Friday, February 4, 2005, at Hardin Memorial Hospital. She was a native of Berea, KY, a member and Sunday school teacher for 32 years at Hodgenville Christian Church, a spelunker who explored local caves, served as a secretary with the board of directors at Sunrise Nursing Home, was a civil rights activist and she and her husband, Otis, served as Larue County (KY) court clerks for over 40 years. She is survived by her husband of 70 years, Otis Howell; two daughters; one son; eight grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Her funeral service and burial was private.
Ontalee Peyton was a daughter of O. B. Peyton and Pattie Hester Peyton.