Birthca 1700
Misc. Notes
Thomas Wheatley was apparently born between 1699-1702; was under eighteen at the time of his father's 1717 Will, but was of legal majority in 1723 when he joined with his brothers in selling Wheatleys contentment to William Greenwell. (Provincial Land Office (Patents) E12:196 and IL#A:362); (Perogative Court (Accounts) 8:465); (Perogative Court (inventories) 12:139). Provincial Land Office (Patents) 21:196 cites the original deed as recorded in 7L:5(since destroyed). See also Charles E. and Laverne M. Fenwick, The Greenwell Family of Southern Maryland (Hand written manuscript, undated, at St. Mary's Co. Historical Society, Leonardtown), 10. Source citations are limited in the Greenwell Material.)