Peake - Stiles - Person Sheet
Birthca 1465, Brookman Manor, Isle of Wight, England
Deathca 1501
Burialca 1501, Brookman Manor, Isle of Wight, England
DeathOct 11, 1504, Brookman Manor, Isle of Wight, England
Burial1504, Isle of White, England
Misc. Notes
Records indicate that he had the title of Lord.
Birthca 1470, Isle of White, England
Deathca 1492, Isle of White, England
Misc. Notes
Possibly named “Alianor “
Had the honor of entertaining King Henry VII when he visited the Isle of Wight in August 1499. He presented her with an antique drinking hrn and a warrant for a fat buck of the season, to be annually delivered, during her life, out of his forest as Carisbrook.