NamePhilip STARK
BirthAug 16, 1863, Batyu Con Bereg, Hungary
DeathOct 4, 1944, Kings Co., NY
Burial1944, Montefiore Cemetery, Queens Co., NY
OccupationClothier, Dry Goods Merchant, Liquor Store And Real Estate
Misc. Notes
NY Times Obituary, October 5, 1944:
StarkâPhilip, beloved husband of the late Emma. devoted father of Dr. Jesse B. Stark and Fannie Rottenberg. Services Friday, 11:30 A.M. at “The Riverside,” 76th St. and Amsterdam Ave.
Emmigrated August 20, 1880, sailing from Hamburg on the Palatia. Lived in NYC. Naturalized October 21, 1885. Travels back to Europe many times.
1900 census had servant named Esther Tosser, 18, from Austria. Brother Mike Stark and Phillip’s nephew, Moshe Stark’s son Louis, also lived with them.
1001920 census occupation, linens.
100Emma’s second husband.
100Munkacs to Brooklyn.