Peake - Stiles - Person Sheet
NameJohn Henry FIROR
BirthDec 6, 1735, Hellan, York Co., PA
Death1796, Bardstown, Nelson Co., KY
Misc. Notes
John Henry Firor was born December 6, 1735, in York County, Pennsylvania, the only child of immigrants Lenhart Vieruhr/Firor and Maria Barbara Willheit. His father probably died soon after he was born and his mother married 2nd in 1738 to Jacob Weller, another immigrant from Germany. In the year 1742, the family migrated south to Frederick County, Maryland, settling near present-day Thurmont. On May 2, 1757, probably in Frederick County, John Henry married Anna Magdalena Matthews (Matthis/Matthias), daughter of immigrants Johann Jacob and Anna Margaretha Jung Matthews. They were the parents of 5 children: John Leonard, John Henry, Maria Barbara, Maria Magdalena and Anna Margaret Firor. Around the year 1796, John Henry and Anna Magdalena accompanied their 3 daughters and their husbands to Nelson County, Kentucky, where they lived the remainder of their lives. Their sons, Leonard and Henry, Jr., remained in Frederick County, Maryland. John Henry Firor, Sr. passed away July 9, 1804, and is likely buried in the old Lutheran Church cemetery there.
The family record from Johann Henrich Firor's family Bible (from the Rev. War Pension file for Henry Firor, Jr.):
Year 1771, I bought this book for 3 pounds.
Year 1735, the 6th of December, I Johan Henrich Firor was born.
Year 1735, the 2nd of September, my wife Madalena was born.
Year 1754, the 27th of July, my mother died**.
Johan Henrich Firor was married in the year 1757, the 2nd of May.
Year 1758, the 22nd of December, our (son) Johan Lenhart Firor was born.
Year 1760, the 25th of August, our (son) Johan Henrich Firor was born.
Year 1762, the 5th of June, our (daughter) Maria Barbara Firorin was born.
Year 1763, the 23rd of November, our (daughter) Maria Madlena Firorin was born.
Year 1766, the 9th of June, our (daughter) Ann Margaret Firorin was born.
**Date of death per Graceham Moravian Church records is given as July 17, 1754.
From a file on the Firor Family at the Carroll County Public Library, Westminster, Maryland (author unknown):
"Henry Firor inherited 12 acres of Leonard's (his father's) land, acquiring farm 1 mile SE of Thurmont, laying east of Hunting Creek, married a Miss Matthews. Five children were born -- Magdalene, Barbara, Margaret, Leonard and Henry. In 1796, he and the three daughters and their husbands moved to Kentucky. He left his farm to his sons, Henry and Leonard, calling it Father's Farewell. He died in Kentucky."
By William Lee Weller, Jr.!msg/soc.roots/bhRC_jQMvFk/UWybFm_IA2oJ:
Please, I could use some help in interpreting the following entry in our oldest WELLER family Bible. My editorial notes and uncertain spellings are in brackets [].
"Daniel Weller Son of John Weller was born in Frederick County, Maryland near the South mountains 1762 Oct 8th
July 9th 1766 Ann Margret Weller, Firor
8th July 1785, Ann Margret Kelly
S. Weller 7th Jany 1787
9 Nov 1789 May Beam
D Weller Aug. 18 1792
Geo. Weller 29th July 1795 Maryland Born
[new line started here]
William Weller born 22nd Sept. 1798 Kentucky [marginal note added later: Covington Kentucky]
Charles Weller 29th Dec 1801
Sarah Beam born 30th Aug 1805
Daniel Weller died Aug 18th 1807 Job 14th, 1,2 verse
Ann Margret Weller died May 30th 1844
John Henry Firor born Dec 6th 1735 died 9th July 1804 Matthew 28, 21st verse
Magdalena Matthis Sept 2n 1735 died Feb 11th 1811"
BirthSep 2, 1735, Frederick Co., MD
DeathMay 11, 1832, Bardstown, Nelson Co., KY
MarriageMay 2, 1757, Frederick Co., MD