NameIrene Jane LASHER
Misc. Notes
Lived in Woodstock in 1935.
Mrs. Irene Longendyke wrecked her Chevolet sedan into another car and was taken to the hospital with injuries to her face and nose. She was taken home by her brother, Theron Lasher. - Clipped from The Kingston Daily Freeman, 17 Nov 1939, Fri, Page 1
MarriageAug 4, 1911, Ulster Co., NY
Misc. Notes
Had one daughter with Irene Lasher.
Misc. Notes
Of Shady, NY in 1916.
Lloyd C. Reynolds of Shady and Irene J. Lasher of Bearsville were quietly married Saturday evening by the Rev. Dr. P. N. Chase at his home, 15 Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds were former parishoners of Dr. Chase. - Clipped from The Kingston Daily Freeman, 9 Oct 1916, Mon, Page 15