BirthAug 12, 1795, Nelson Co., KY
DeathApr 29, 1873, Nelson Co., KY
Burial1873, Greenwell Cemetery, Nelson Co., KY
ReligionCatholic - St. Thomas Church
Misc. Notes
Served in the military.
Adopted a number of children besides his own. (16 total)
Owned slaves.
Will Of Matthew Greenwell
I, Matthew Greenwell of Nelson County, KY., being now of sound mind and knowing that I cannot in the course of nature expect to live many more years. Therefore I make and publish my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills theretofore made by me. In fear of god, I desire to dispose of all my earthly estate that he has entrusted to me beyond my wants through life or as nearly so, as it is possible for me to do.
1st. I will and direct my executor or administrator here after named, to pay all my debts and funeral and burial expenses out of first money that shall come into his hands belonging to my estate.
2nd. In addition to what I have hertofore given to my beloved wife, Mary Ann Greenwell, by a marriage contract with her of record in Nelson Co. Clerks Office, I give and bequeth to her during her natural, Forty Acres of land being the same land deeded to me by Robert Hagan which deed is of record in the Nelson Co. Clerks Office.
3rd. I give and bequeth to the children of my son Stephen Greenwell the land upon which they and their mother now live, containing about one Hundred and Eighty Acres, for which they are to be charged one Hundred dollars in settling and dividing my estate and they are to be charged with the further sum of One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars which amount I advanced at various times to their father, Stephen Greenwell. It is my will and desire that their mother Elizabeth Greenwell shall have a joint use of said land with her children, free of rent but at her death or marriage, it is to decend to the
((Section missing))
Will Continues:
5th. I will and bequeth to my son Alvin Greenwell the land known as the Wimsatt tract and the same deeded to him by Lee Wimsatt for which he is charged Three Hundred Dollars and he is also to be charged with the further sum of One Hundred and Fifty dollars, also with Four Hundred and Twenty Four dollars for a note I hold against him, which note I now surrender to him.
6th. I will and Bequeth to the children of my son James Greenwell the land upon which their mother now lives containing about One Hundred and Sixty Two acres for which they are to be charged Three hundred dollars in settlement of my estate their father having paid me the balance on said land. They are to be charged with the amount of Two hundred and Fifty dollars heretofore given to their father. It is my will and desire that their mother have the use of the land free of rent during her life or widowhood to enable her to raise and educate the children, but at her death or marriage, the land is to decend to the children of my son James or the survivors of those that die without bodily issue.
7th. I will and Bequeth to my son Samuel Greenwell the land upon which he now lives called the Hannett and Wiseman tract of land being Two Hundred and Thirty Four acres for which he is to be charged Fifteen Hundred Dollars in dividing my estate. He is also charged with Three Hundred Dollars more, it being for a negro boy put in the army by me as a substitute for him.
8th. I will and bequeth to my son Matthew Greenwell a portable circular saw mill for which he is to be charged Two Thousand Dollars in the division of my Estate, he is also to be charged with the further sum of Three Thousand dollars ( Possible error with thousand since all others are 3 hundred for the substitutes, though possibly this was a white boy substitute since negro is not mentioned and that would cost more) for cash paid for a substitute for him.
9th. I give and bequeth to my Daughter Maria Ice cash and sundry articles amounting to Three hundred dollars. It is my will that she be charged with that amount in the division of my estate, and and also with the further sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars given her in thirty head of sheep and one yellow horse, also Fifty dollars more to pay John Mattingly.
10th. I give and Bequeth to my son William Greenwell the land known as the hancock and Beeler tract, about Two hundred acres more or less for which for which he is to be charged Fifteen Hundred Dollars in the Division of my estate, he is also to be charged in addition One Hundred and Seventy five dollars for the Sundry articles herefore given him by me. He is also to be charged with the further sum of Three Hundred dollars for the negro boy put into the army as a substitute for him.
11th. I give and Bequeth to my son B.J. Greenwell One Thousand dollars in Cash notes with which he is to be charged in the division of my estate and in addition to that amount he is to be charged with the further sum of Three Hundred Dollars for the sundry articles heretofore given him by me.
12th. I give and Bequeth to my Children by my present wife Mary Ann Greenwell; Mary, Amelia, Barbara, C. Greenwell, Francis S. Greenwell, John H. Greenwell, and Harriet Greenwell all my home tract of land and Four hundred and Ten Acres be the same more or less which I value at Three Thousand dollars and I also give them in addition to my home tract of land, the Willett Tract containing by deed One hundred and Sixty acres which I value
(This is the Second part of will that is missing from being copied wrong)
Will Continued:
Next i appoint my Worthy friend Sylvester johnson, Esq. My executor to this my last will and testament.
(Nelson County, Kentucky, February 5th, 1873)
Matthew Greenwell
Signed and witnessed in
Presence of
Sylvester Rapier
James E. Rapier
At a County Court held for the county of Nelson at the court house in Bardstown on Monday the 12th of May 1873. This paper purporting to be that last will and Testament of Matthew Greenwell, deceased, who lately Departed this life in this Nelson County, Kentucky, was produced in court and ordered to be filed. And again in Court on Friday May 16th 1873 said will was duly proven by the oaths of Sylvester Rapier and James E. Rapier, the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Attest J. D. Elliot
(Ref; Will Book 16, P.P. 143-144-145 Nelson Co., KY.)
Source: Berry-Bryan Family Geneology, Shannon Berry
First wife: Mary Amelia Greenwell, b 1795 in KY, d 1860
Married 2 Feb 2, 1818 in Hardin Co, KY
Note: Her father James Greenwell gave permission for the marriage.
Children: Nancy Ann, Alban, James, Stephen, Samuel, Maria M, Matthew, Mary Ann, Martha Rebecca, William H, Benedict Joseph
Second wife: Mary Ann Greenwell b: 1837 in KY
Married 8 Jan 1861 in Nelson Co, KY
Note: Matthew's age listed as 66 & Mary Ann's listed as 23 on marriage record
Children: Mary Amelia, Maria Cordelia, Barbara Christine, Francis Sylvester, John Hillary, Henry and Harriett Greenwell
BirthAug 10, 1795, Hardin Co., KY
DeathOct 8, 1860, Nelson Co., KY
MarriageFeb 2, 1818, Hardin Co., KY
BirthNov 7, 1837, Hardin Co., KY
DeathOct 1883
Misc. Notes
Marriage record states groom res. in New Haven; 65 yrs.; born in Bardstown; 2nd marriage. Bride res. in New Haven; 23 yrs.,; born in Hardin Co.; 1st marriage. Wit: L. Johnson; R. Burch; Mrs. Johnson; Mrs. Burch
MarriageJan 7, 1861, St. Catherine’s Church, New Haven, Nelson Co., KY132