Peake - Stiles - Person Sheet
NameToshiko YAMAMOTO
BirthMar 19, 1944, Japan
OccupationMidwife, Neonatal Care, Med Surgery, ICU
Misc. Notes
Met JoJo while on a cultural exchange nurse program in NY.
BirthDec 14, 1931, Boston, MA
OccupationNY: Burns Security Agency, Greyhound, Old Madison Square Garden, FL: Miami Dade Aviation Security
Misc. Notes
US Army, Korea, 1953. Guarded prisoners.
According to JoJo Senna, Vera Stark Rubin died of a gunshot recieved in a Longchamps restaurant in Empire State Building, 1st floor, facing 5th Ave. between 34th to 35th St. in NY. A policeman walking the beat went in the restaurant to use the bathroom when 2 or 3 guys came in to rob the place with a guy outside in a getaway car. They shot and killed the policeman and he shot one of them. The robbers all got away but the one that was shot died. The next day his body was found body in Jersey. The others were eventually caught and received the death sentence in the electric chair. This story is not correct. Actual account is reported in the NY Times.
MarriageDec 21, 1974, Little Flower Church, Hollywood FL