NameJohn Kenelm PEAK 
BirthMar 11, 1760, St. Mary’s Co., MD23
DeathFeb 1814, Nelson Co., KY
Misc. Notes
1781 - John K. recieved 6 shillings for standing guard
Alt. name spellings: Cornellam, Kennellum
I, Kenelm Peak of Nelson County, State of Kentucky, with sound mind, perfect memory and understanding, Do constitute, ordain and appoint this as my last will and testament, Revoking and disannuling any former will or wills heretofore, first recomment my soul to almighty God, my Body to the earth from whench it was taken, and I do by these presents dispose of my real and personal estate in the following manner, to wit, after all my just debts be paid, Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Ann Peake all my lands and tenaments, household and kitchen furniture, my farming utensils, all my stock of horses, cows, hogs and sheep except those after willed and bequeathed to my children, Item, I give and bequeath to my son Edward one bed and furniture, one roan mare colt 2 years old, two cows, in case he maries before his mother's death, one rifle gun, the land that said Peak rented from James Medcalf to be his right during the term for which it is rented -- Item, I give and bequeath to my son Charles a bay horse five or six years old known by the name of Shirk, my grait coat -- Item, I give and bequearh to my son Edward and Charles one half of all the small grain now sowed on the plantation whereon I live to be divided equally between them -- Item, I give and bequeath to my son John my riding saddle -- Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Monica one bay mare 12 years old, known by the name of Nollain. one bed and furniture, one loom and gear -- Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Hena one sorrel mare colt one year old; Item, I give to my daughter Jane one pied heffer 2 years old -Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary one heffer black and white, two years old; Item, I bequeath to my two daughters, Monica and Hena, and three youngest sons, John, Philip, William one equal part of my lands and tenements so long as they see care to live with their mother or to live in a single state, and that my three youngest sons John, Philip and William to be reasonably educated by their mother, and after the death of my wife my land and tenements to be sold and equally divided all my children both sons and daughters; if both my daughters be not married at the death of my wife, the lands
& tenements remains in possession of my daughters so long as the remain in their single state unmarried. And lastly I constitute and appoint my loving wife Ann Peak and my son Edward Peak my executors of this my last will and testament -- In testimony whereof I set and afix my deal this 23rd day of January, 1814.
Signed, sealed by Kenelam Peak as his last will and testment, and in the presents of us the underwritten subscribers and in the presents of them and in the presents of each other.
Teste: Ignatius Hagan, Ignatius French, James Metcalf
Kenelam Peak ( (his mark)
NCKY Will Book C, page 176
Possibly died in Mead Co., KY.